Người Đóng Góp:
Anh Trần Ngọc Sơn

Phan Thanh Giản

Trời thời đất lợi, lại người hòa,
Há để ngồi coi phải nói ra.
Lăm trả ơn vua, đền nợ nước,
Đành cam gánh nặng, ruổi đường xa.
Lên ghềnh xuống thác, thương con trẻ,
Vượt biển trèo non, cám phận già.
Cũng tưởng một lời an bốn cõi,
Nào hay ba tỉnh lại chầu ba.


Propitious time, advantageous terrain, and united people:
These were elements of war I had to address.
Serving the king and sacrificing for the country,
No matter how hard willing I was to make the committment.
My heart was bleeding for the young men who suffered so much.
As to myself I was trying hard despite my advancing years.
I thought that a few words of mine would bring about peace,
But unexpectedly three more provinces were to be added
To the three already given


Note: After his attempted negotiations for the return of three provinces surrendered earlier to the French forces failed and subsequent loss of three more provinces, Phan Thanh Giản went on a hunger strike before taking his own life by drinking poison.